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December 28, 2011

A Local Habitation by Seanan McGuire

Title: A Local Habitation
Author: Seanan McGuire
Format: book

Compared to the first book in the series, I found this one to be more enjoyable. Though I managed to figure the villain out within the first few chapters of meeting them (I use the term "them" vaguely to keep the identity a secret for those who haven't read yet), the method of killing they used and the reasons for it were more of a mystery. The need to know why these killings were happening and how the pieces all came together kept me attached to the book until the end.

I must say, if there's a way to stump a Daoine Sidhe, it's mess with their trump card. The world of faerie is convoluted and complex, and McGuire tries to work around these rules to make the game of detective more interesting. I liked the attention to detail and the explanations for why certain things could/couldn't be done. I kinda wished Toby had a few more aces up her sleeves to help her solve the mystery a little more efficiently. I think it would have made her failures that much more damaging.

The more tools we have, and the less of them that work, the more helpless we feel. I suppose for what supplies she did have at her disposal, we can see how her efforts were exhausted and can still connect with her on some level.

Also, what surprised me was the ritual. Not the method, the result. Kinda creepy and "eww."

There are a few questions that popped up throughout the book, small details that made me pause and ponder, and the answers for them never came. I wonder if these details were meant to be forgotten, or if it was a mistake on the author's part not to answer them. Or maybe I missed something along the way that would have explained it all. Either way, there's still something left to be desired after finishing the book, but for now I am satisfied.

Overall: 4 out of 5


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