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February 20, 2012

5 questions book meme (JFF)

This is another meme about books. I like to share them since they pertain a lot to the content of this blog. :)

1) If you could read one book again for the first time what would it be? 

A Companion to Wolves by Sarah Monette & Elizabeth Bear. I greatly enjoyed reading this book the first time around. I admit, the names confused me, but after I got the hang of it, I enjoyed the world that Monette and Bear had created, and the character tension. The fact that it also hearkens to Norse roots is a bonus point too. 

2) Do you finish every book you start or do you abandon without reservation?

I don't like abandoning books, but sometimes I just can't get myself to finish. And I'm not talking about putting a book on hiatus because I don't have the time to read it. I mean I drop it and never return. It's a shame, but if I can't get myself to appreciate the world that the author has created, or something about the characters just bugs me, I can't force myself to slug through it. I will be as fair as I can while reviewing it, though. I won't slander a book just because I couldn't finish it; I'll be honest when I say it just didn't work for me.

3) Would you rather survive the zombie apocalypse or an alien invasion?

That's hard. I'm a big fan of zombies, but aliens are sexy too. My badass side says there's nothing like kicking zombie butt to make you feel good. My perverted side says bring on the probes and cow abductions, it's a thrill a minute. If I can have a partner in crime to survive with me, I'll go for zombies. Yeah.

4) What book are you most looking forward to in 2012?

Tricked by Kevin Hearne. I love the Iron Druid series to pieces. I can't remember how I first got into it, but I'm so glad I did. I'm looking forward to see what sort of trouble Atticus is going to get himself into, and how he'll do it. And if we'll get to see his naked butt again this time around. (I know, I know, I'm naughty. I like fantasizing about a hot Irish boy streaking in public as he goes around slaying things with his sword. And I do mean his sword.)

5) What book to do you wish you had never read?

Oh boy. I'm not sure. I guess for this year, that will have to land with Demons Are a Girl's Best Friend by Linda Wisdom. Unfortunately, I was disappointed with the execution in this book. I suppose I had high expectations for a best seller, which made the gravity of my opinion that much heavier. I won't say it's the worst book of all time, or the worst book I've ever read. I just can't think of any particular books that I wish to wipe from my memory right now. Maybe I wiped them already. So it's a little unfair to say this book is that terrible. It just didn't appeal to me. 


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