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February 14, 2012

Clan Rathskeller by Kevin Hearne

Title: Clan Rathskeller
Author: Kevin Hearne
Format: ebook; short story (link)

Oh, Atticus. There is nothing like a little short story to remind us of what makes you so hilarious and awesome. For anyone familiar with The Iron Druid Chronicles but not quite familiar with this story, Clan Rathskeller takes place ten months prior to the first book (Hounded). We see Atticus in Tempe, just strolling through a mall with his witty sidekick, Oberon, when he runs into trouble.

Well that's not new. Attitucs has a trouble magnet strong enough to would make the North/South Poles jealous. It's how he gets himself out of trouble that makes him such an entertainment to read about. Atticus never fails to make a reader laugh, or want to slap a hand over their face and cry "Oi!" This adventure is no exclusion.

This short story delivers a hard punch in the guy that has us tearing up right away, and it's not from pain (though some parts might make you wince in embarrassment), but from too much laughter. Now, don't get me wrong, Atticus isn't slap-stick funny. He's witty, sarcastic, and unconventional at times. He finds creative ways to solve problems that get the job done, even if it means he has to be indecent in public along the way.

Oh yes, we get to see Atticus in all his glory, as he works his Druid magic and as he waves his meat and two veggies out in the open air. Who can't laugh at such a scene? There's nothing like a naked man streaking right past your eyes to make you stop and do a shocked double take.

Clan Rathskeller is fast-paced and charged with equal parts action and humor. If you're looking for something to make your day better, this short story will definitely do the trick. If you want to refuel on your Atticus/Oberon loving, this will top you off nicely too. It probably even makes for an excellent "introduction" to the whole Iron Druid series for someone who has never read the books before. There's just enough of all the major elements that make Atticus and Oberon so lovable to let a new reader get a good taste of what the series it like.

Overall: 5 out of 5


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