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July 30, 2012

Sentou Yousei Yukikaze 4-5 - anime (2002)

Title: Sentou Yousei Yukikaze 4-5
Format: anime
Length: 5 OVA episodes

Holy fuck! The two most intense episodes of the set! I started watching Yukikaze a few days ago and I've finally managed to finish it. Let me just say the drama got turned up two-fold as the story hit its climax. The relationship between Rei and Yukikaze becomes a little clearer as we learn more about the JAM and the war that's going on. 

Likewise, the relationship between Rei and Jack hits a critical point as the plot speeds towards the conclusion. I should have expected a dramatic, sad moment to crop up as the war hits its peak and victory seems bleak, but even if I did, it still would have hit me hard in the gut. 

What I like about this series is the ever constant grip on reality despite the obvious sci-fi elements that allow the audience to step away from the real world for a moment. Gonzo's choice to consult the air force about tactics and maneuvers helped to keep the fight scenes believable while still creating a sense of disbelief during the parts when Yukikaze and the JAM excel perform beyond the scope of reality.

I'll admit, the military jargon and sequences can be hard to follow at times, if you're not used to it. Those familiar with militant speech, or have any active military backgrounds probably would have an easier time catching all the details and understanding what they mean. The good thing is, even if you aren't too familiar and get a little lost in all the talk, the action scenes make up for it. 

The animation and coloring are superb. And since I've set aside my prejudice about 3DCG in anime for this show, I have to applaud the animation group for blending the two platforms together, both drawing and CG. It made the actions scenes so much more exciting to watch. I think I actually tensed up during the final battle, almost shrieking for the good guys to win. 

So much happened in Operation 5 I can't even begin to describe it. My mind was overloaded by the end of it all. The epilogue was tears worthy, and any sentimental who enjoys shedding a tear or two over aftermaths of a great, emotional battle, will definitely be affected by the ending provided. 

After I cool down a bit and give myself a few more days to process everything, I have a feeling I'm going to go back and watch the whole thing again and see if I can pick up on any information I missed the first time around. 

I can definitely see why this story became popular in its original print. The visuals just make it that much more awesome. :)

Overall: 4.5 out of 5


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