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January 5, 2012

Fate's Edge by Ilona Andrews

Title: Fate's Edge
Author: Ilona Andrews
Format: book

Another win for the Andrews couple! After peeking at a few teasers before the book came out, I had been tickled with anticipation to see how the shifty Kaldar would be put into the limelight. 

Let's just say, I'm not disappointed. In the first book of The Edge series, we see Rose as the unfortunate one, and Declan as the knight in shining armor who sweeps her off her feet complete with red carpet, jewels, and a flowers. In the second book, we see the unfortunate Will with a dark past and Cerise with a crazy family with anger issues find some sort of peculiar harmony in the madness. So how do we spice things up a little? By have two of the very best criminals go head-to-head and try to get around the barbed fences of their hearts whilst doing a bit of good-doing. 

Ironic? Why yes. And quite humoring too. This whole book is one big laugh. We find ourselves stuck with two unlikely heroes who are better off on the "bad guy" side than the "good guy," yet the viciousness of their enemies make them look like a pair of saints. 

The fast, witty, and suggestive dialogue between Kaldar and Audrey absolutely tickles me. Kaldar constantly tries to get under her skin -- or into her pants -- while Audrey fends him off with sword and shield. They dance around each other like expert fighters, teasing and throwing insults and flattering words left and right without pause. They play the game without losing footing, and it's quite entertaining to see how they occasionally get a rise out of each other. 

I enjoyed the addition of George and Jack into the plot. Since the first book, they didn't really make an appearance in Will/Cerise's story except for their small cameo. Having them return, older, and with a lot more attitude, was fun. Andrews played out their adolescent attitudes and ways of thinking with charming ease. Seeing George show us more of his maturity was interesting too. We see the way his childhood and the changes in his life from Edge to Weird has changed him. We also see how Jack has been coping as well. 

There's a lot of potential for the two boys, and that becomes especially true as they take part in various roles throughout the story. I have an inkling that this won't be the last time we see them step foot in the spotlight, and I hope I'm not wrong. The boys display a strong bond and fierceness that cannot be mistaken. It's no question they are loyal to each other and those close to them, and would tear the world in pieces if necessary. 

The show of compassion between family and loved ones was just overflowing in this story, especially during critical moments. I snickered through the last part of the story as all the pieces and characters came together for the final bang. 

The only thing that was slightly disappointing was the lack of visual when I reached the very very end. To avoid spoilers, let's just say I would have preferred a bit more from Audrey's POV before it switched to Kaldar's. I'm a bit of an action whore and like to see how certain plans take place, so I was hoping for a bit more on that part. 

Apart from all that, the epilogue really stirs my mind and makes me stroke my imaginary beard in excited wonder. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens in the next book. I can't wait to see who takes the wheel and drives us through another crazy adventure in the Edge. 

Overall: 4.5


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