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January 21, 2012

Raven Cursed by Faith Hunter

Title: Raven Cursed
Author: Faith Hunter
Format: book

Faith Hunter does it again. This series just keeps getting better and better. Ever since reading Mercy Blade when it first came out, I've been waiting impatiently for this one. I'm glad I finally got to read it.

The questions that were left at the end of Mercy Blade and even Blood Cross have been answered. We also get to see Jane in a different sort of environment. In the past three books, Jane has been housed in the good ole' Cajun South with the exception of few small trips. This time, we get to visit Jane's hometown and learn a bit more about her childhood relations while we dive into the blood and mayhem. 

There is so much going on in this book, I daresay it's the most explosive adventure Jane has ever had yet! Loose ends are being brought together. Unexpected people are playing surprising roles. And Jane has to struggle more than ever to keep a level head. 

With so much chaos erupting around her, it's only a matter of time before she snaps. Seeing Jane's internal battle with her feelings and certain morals she holds close to her heart is truly moving. Even as someone not overly religious, I can appreciate the moments when Jane goes back to her spiritual roots and asked for a bit of guidance during dire times. 

I can also appreciate that, despite the pain Jane experiences, both physically and psychologically, she still manages to truck on. That's our girl, Janie. Like a steamroller. She might complain, she might be afraid, she might cry, but she always pushes forward. Some characters are known for breaking down when faced with aversion too great for them to handle. Jane, no matter the size of trouble, dares to conquer it anyway. I've always enjoyed that hard edge about her, and even more so as I read through this book. 

I had a hard time putting it down. As soon as I started reading, only food and sleep got me to stop. The way Faith Hunter tells the story, sprinkling in details throughout the chapters, giving purpose to all the things that Jane does despite what they look like on the surface, captivated me and got me trying to play detective. It wasn't easy. Or maybe I'm not a good detective. Regardless, I had a blast trying to figure things out as all the clues slowly came together. 

Imagine my surprise when I finally figured out what was going on. Faith Hunter threw us a major curveball this time. She definitely knows how to hit a homerun and hit it hard. Jane hasn't had an opponent like this before, and you have to sympathize with her when she is forced to make a confrontation. 

One thing I also liked was Evan and the coven. I haven't read enough books who detail on the magic that takes place amongst witches/wizards. Well, books that aren't solely focused on their kind, anyway. Seeing the coven take a step up and seeing them in action was surprising -- delightfully so. I warmed up to Evan as I was able to see him from a different light -- he was a big gruffy bear for a reason, and this book makes me want to give the guy a hug and a fist-bump. 

And, of course, what gives this series the cherry is the cliffhanger. The question that never gets answered. The one problem that never gets resolved. As in the rest of the books, there is no solid conclusion at the end, and the piece of meat that is left dangling is a juicy one. Mercy Blade left me screaming to know what was going to happen next. Raven Cursed leaves me stroking my imaginary beard and concocting half-baked theories as I try to figure out where Jane will take us next. I'm really eager to know what's going to happen next. I can't wait for the next installment of this series to come out. 

Overall: 5 out of 5


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